sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

NBA adota Paleo

Trechos de um post em que José Carlos Souto (JCS), do blog Dieta Low-Carb e Paleolítica, avisa de três links no site da CBS que falam sobre a adoção da dieta Paleo por uma equipe da NBA (Basquete). Ele faz alguns comentários e responde algumas perguntas. Aconteceu no grupo Dieta Paleo no Facebook.

Fonte: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dietapaleolowcarbhighfat/permalink/236066989898407/

(JCS) A melhor coisa que podia ter acontecido. A NBA (Basquete dos EUA) está adotando a dieta Páleo. http://mweb.cbssports.com/nba/writer/ken-berger/24370416 e http://mweb.cbssports.com/nba/writer/ken-berger/24373097/nutrition-in-the-nba-part-ii-paleo-diet-taking-hold-for-variety-of-reasons
Isso significa MILHÕES de pessoas sendo expostas pela primeira vez à ideia páleo. E é óbvio que o único motivo para que treinadores permitam que atletas de elite (que valem milhões) sigam essa linha é porque FUNCIONA.
São 3 reportagens longas e detalhadas
Aqui está a terceira - essa eu nem tive tempo de ler ainda. http://www.cbssports.com/nba/writer/ken-berger/24374232/nutrition-in-the-nba-part-iii-the-role-of-the-personal-trainer
Robb Wolf, Cordain, citados lá.
Trechos: I've seen great results from it from when I started doing it last year -- watching your sugar intake, making sure you're eating healthy fats. It has basically turned the government's sacred food pyramid upside-down. Shanahan wants the players to get at least 50 percent of their calories from fat, and no more than 25 percent each from protein and carbohydrates. Wait, what? That's right. Basically the opposite of what you and everyone else alive have been doing for years. Williams was 20-25 pounds overweight when the Lakers signed him in September, so his regimen called for fewer carbs and more fat and protein. That's right, more fat. Since starting the program three weeks before training camp, Williams has lost 20 pounds while doubling his fat intake. Gone are the sugary drinks, cereals and processed grains.
"There's this fear that if an athlete doesn't get enough carbs, he might keel over and die," DiFrancesco said. "He might get to first quarter and drop dead if didn't eat enough pasta the day before. I was seeing sugar and a lack of fear of sugar, when it should be the opposite. They need to embrace fat -- good fat -- and fear sugar like it's going to kill us, because it is doing that before our eyes."
Within weeks of starting the program, Howard said his blood-glucose levels declined 80 percent. After increasing his consumption of healthy fats and decreasing processed carbs -- "No bread," Howard said -- all the blood markers that are indicative of heart health went in the right direction, too. After some initial lethargy during the detox phase, Howard said his endurance improved and his energy levels became more consistent. His body-fat percentage -- hovering around 5-6 percent his entire career -- dropped to 3 percent, he said.
E sim, eles estão tomando CAFÉ COM MANTEIGA!!! Not only are the Lakers unafraid of healthy fats, they practically freebase them. The pregame beverage of choice is something the players call "bullet-proof coffee" -- coffee seasoned with two teaspoons of pastured butter and heavy, grass-fed cream.

"The caffeine dilates your blood vessels and delivers the fat to the brain," Kaman said. "It's good."
After years of health authorities telling us to eat low-fat, high-carb diets, there's a movement afoot suggesting that it's actually the processed carbs and sugars that are causing disease – not the fats, as long as the fats are from quality sources.
In October, Sweden became the first Western nation to establish nutritional guidelines that reject a high-carb, low-fat diet after the Swedish health council pooled the results of 16,000 studies on the causes of heart disease and diabetes and found no link to saturated fats --and instead, found links to sugar and high-carb diets.
Wolf works most often with people who are sick and obese, and those with type II diabetes and/or other metabolic diseases are best served by a strict Paleo diet with very little starch and no dairy, he said. But professional athletes and members of the military are equally motivated to try the Paleo lifestyle for optimal health, and there's more than one way to do it.
"For it to be a mainstream phenomenon, you need about 15 percent of the population to be doing it," Wolf said. "My back-of-the-envelope estimate is that we have between 1 and 5 percent of the population of the United States who are aware of or are doing something that looks like a Paleo diet."
The Lakers have gone all-in with a high-fat, low-carb, grass-fed, real-food diet.
The Lakers' approach is geared toward reprogramming the body to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose. It's a state known as ketosis, under which studies have shown that some athletes -- like cyclists -- perform very well. But it may take an athlete 2-3 years of a strict low-carb diet -- 5-10 percent of calories from carbs -- to achieve that state, and it's not for everyone.
VM: Dr souto, minha mãe tem pedra na vesicula (grande a ponto dela romper e prejudicar o pancreas) e esteatose hepatica devido a obesidade. Ela pode fazer essa dieta? Obrigada pela atenção! 
JCS: "essa dieta" é a dieta humana. Ovelhas devem comer grama?
Se alguém está sadio e tem 18 anos, talvez consiga se dar bem com uma dieta de hamburger e coca-cola. Pessoas doentes têm mais motivos ainda para comer uma dieta saudável.
VM: A gordura no figado tambem é causada pela ingestão de carbos?
JCS: Os cálculo biliares têm a ver com o DESUSO da vesícula biliar devido a dieta POBRES em gordura, motivo pelo qual ocorre EXCLUSIVAMENTE na dieta ocidental, sendo patologia desconhecida em povos caçadores coletores com uma alimentação natural. Os fatores de risco para litíase biliar são todos parte da síndrome metabólica, que é causa pelo excesso de açúcar e farináceos, e curada pela abstenção destas coisas.
Méndez-Sánchez, N. et al., 2007. Role of diet in cholesterol gallstone formation. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 376(1-2), pp.1–8.
Tsai, C.-J. et al., 2005. Dietary carbohydrates and glycaemic load and the incidence of symptomatic gall stone disease in men. Gut, 54(6), pp.823–828. Available at: http://gut.bmj.com/content/54/6/823 [Accessed September 9, 2013].

Esta segunda referência é MUITO boa, e está disponível na íntegra: conclusão: "Our findings suggest that a high intake of carbohydrate, glycaemic load, and glycaemic index increases the risk of symptomatic gall stone disease in men. These results add to the concern that low fat high carbohydrate diets may not be an optimal dietary recommendation."
O que causa esteatose é o excesso de carboidratos, não de gorduras. As gorduras que comemos são distribuídas pelo corpo pelas quilomicras. O fígado sintetiza gorduras a partir de carboidratos sob influência da insulina. E low carb é extremamente eficaz em reverter este quadro, por motivos óbvios.
Benjaminov, O. et al., 2007. The effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on the nonalcoholic fatty liver in morbidly obese patients before bariatric surgery. Surgical endoscopy, 21(8), pp.1423–1427.
Okuda, T. & Morita, N., 2012. A very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet prevents the progression of hepatic steatosis caused by hyperglycemia in a juvenile obese mouse model. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2(11), p.e50. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3506983/[Accessed September 6, 2013].
Pérez-Guisado, J. & Muñoz-Serrano, A., 2011. The effect of the Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a pilot study. Journal of medicinal food, 14(7-8), pp.677–680.
Tendler, D. et al., 2007. The effect of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a pilot study. Digestive diseases and sciences, 52(2), pp.589–593.
LR: eu tenho um sobrinho com este problema, qual deve ser a alimentação dele basicamente? Não é perigoso ele fazer uso de gorduras?
JCS: assista isso: http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/2013/10/documentario-australiano-legendado.html
Depois leia: http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../afinal-gordura-faz..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../dieta-de-baixo..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../video-explica-dieta..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/.../colesterol-i.html, http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/.../colesterol-ii.html, http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/.../colesterol-iii.html, http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../dr-drauzio-varella..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/.../restringir..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/.../novo-estudo..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../gordura-saturada..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../scientific-american..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../dieta-pobre-em..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../gordura-vegetal..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com/.../gordura-saturada..., http://lowcarb-paleo.blogspot.com.br/.../a-midia-se-rende...
Se depois de ler estas postagens, vc não começar a comer gordura, é porque eu devo escrever muito mal.

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